Mangroves usefulness for wildlife
Mangrove habitats are crucial for many different creatures, living under the sea as well as above the sea surface. The submerged roots of mangroves serve as breeding, feeding and nursery grounds for many creatures such as baby fish, bacteria, fungi, marine algae, etc. The mangrove branches provide homes for different reptiles such as insects, crabs, Molluscs, lizards, snakes and nesting birds. They even act as sanctuaries for different types of marine mammals, wild life species such as tiger, crocodiles, deer, money, honey bee

- Mangroves and their species
- Status of Mangroves
- Advantages of Mangroves over other coastal plants
- Mangroves usefulness for wildlife
- Benefits of Mangroves to human communities
- Mangrove’s contribution to the carbon cycle & climate resilience
- Threats to Mangroves and their ecosystem
- Conservation and protection measures for Mangroves in India
- Role of communities in conservation and protection of Mangroves