Enhanced resilience of coastal and marine ecosystems and their services.

About the project:
Enhancing Climate Resilience of India’s Coastal Communities (ECRICC)’ is a six-year project, that aims to develop the resilience of the lives and livelihoods of the most vulnerable populations particularly women, in the coastal areas of India to climate change and extreme events, using an ecosystem-centred and community-based approach.
Outputs Envisaged:
This project plans three outputs and follows a multisectoral approach integrating EbA into coastal management and planning.
- Enhanced resilience of coastal and marine ecosystems and their services.
- Climate adaptive livelihoods for enhanced resilience of vulnerable coastal communities
- Strengthened governance and institutional framework for climate-resilient management of coastal areas…

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam quis metus in enim congue ornare. Sed vitae leo placerat, venenatis massa at, dictum nisl.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam quis metus in enim congue ornare. Sed vitae leo placerat, venenatis massa at, dictum nisl.

Shri Ganesh Ram Singhkhuntia
Hon'ble Minister Forest, Environment & Climate Change Dept., Govt. of Odisha

Mr. Satyabrata Sahu, IAS
Additional Chief Secretary,
FE & CC Dept., Govt. of Odisha

Shri Prem Kumar Jha, IFS
Director, Env. cum-Spl. Secy.,
Forest ,Environment & CC Dept., Govt. of Odisha

Chilika Puri

Devi Mouth

Chilika Ganjam


Photo Gallery

- State Project Management Unit
- GoI - GCF - UNDP Project
- “Enhancing Climate Resilience of India’s Coastal Communities”
- Administrative Building, 1st Floor, RPRC Campus, Bubaneswar-15
- Ph: 0674-2962313